Tuesday 29 October 2013

Pfaffing in Carmel.........

Yep we are still here. Our journey over Big Sur  and the wild coast  has been delayed by a day.
We briefed last night abput the next 90 miles which will take about 3 days. Di is nervous about cycling on roads without a bike lane or wide shoulder was apprehensive about the route. She had picked up information about busses to traverse the area in Monterey and spent much of last evening surfing the net reading blogs of folk who have cycled the route. I also looked at the blogs and some were skeptical about the shoulder and the safety of the route. However come morning there we were eager to start on a morning that promised rain. Off we went onto Highway one and down a big hill with a narrow shoulder.It started raining as we arrived at Safeway to pick up supplies. I looked after the bikes and after the shopping Pat mentioned that Di now wanted to hire a car.
No car hire in Carmel.
We have heard from Marlene & Jim and they have called it a day after 1500mls and returned to Canada. Di called Marlene to ask about the route. Marlene reassured Di that there was a shoulder most of the way. Having made the decision to stay in Carmel to sort out a car from Monterey we rebooked our rooms in the Comfort Inn - the forecaste for tomorrow is no rain. Di then decided to that she would cycle with us unless it was raining. So here we are pfaffing in Carmel !!
Gilly and I are alittle concerned that the trip is stalling a bit  but we still have about 5 days spare before we need to call it a day as we have flights to Las Vegas booked on 16th.
Lets hope for less pfaffing and more PMA to get us to the Mexican border.
What about Carmel I here you say - twee, full of arty farty shops for RAFA's to spend there money in and golf courses at 600 bucks a round - I guess you can tell my kind of place !!
P.S. When in Norway Pat and I were speaking to some locals about the seaplanes we saw near the islands as we got close to Oslo - he said they belonged to RAFO's - Rich Arsoles From Oslo - hence I use RAFA'swhen refering to Carmel.

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