Saturday 16 September 2017

Where are the factories?

Saturday 16th - Day 22

We left Dusseldorf in bright sunshine and pedalled along the Rhine on a good tarmac path.  It is fast flowing and the coal barges are only just making progress. The first 20km were by the river, the trail used by the local lycra clad to show their prowess. It amazes me there are not more accidents as German cyclists seem reluctant to speak. We have no idea that they are overtaking and on narrow trails one wobble and kaput! They also just break through the middle of the group if we are cycling as a three across the track. We were over taken by an American group the other day and it was refreshing to hear 'comming through' and 'on your left'. Silent cyclists take some getting used to. But I guess the local folk are the strong silent type - definately no talking in the lift and you cannot out stare them - I have tried and failed. You may think I am anti-German, that's not true as they are helpful and pleasant (most of the time) when we ask for directions.

We then went inland to go round some steel works - we hardly saw them but we did skirt round a structure made out of a redundant factory which costs millions but was never commissioned. It is now a high walkway and looks impressive. The route through the houses was not well signed but we found our way to our hotel with just a couple of wrong turns.

Duisburg does not float my boat - we have however, to check out the delights of the waterfront - could be lively on a Saturday night.

Distance 38.29k Odo 1145.5km

Just got back from the inner harbour - very good, sedate and a pleasant meal. We will check out a couple of sights on our way out tomorrow.

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