Sunday, 8 September 2019

Blue Skies in Lewis

A pleasand day in the sunshine and light winds. Lewis is less dramatic then Harris, gentler rolling ground with peat, moorland prvailing. Small villages every few miles and just 1 shop all day.

We had coffe in a school which closed a few years ago and is now the local Historical Society and a tearoom. Speaking to the lad who served us he was just 1 of two pupils in his class at the school.

Just as we were leaving a group of cyclists went passed. Unloaded but not too quick. Pat realised that an overtake was on - he speeded off up the hill after them and out of sight. I stopped to speak to a local farmer and by the time i caught up with Pat he had done the dirty deed. A moral overtake - he took thew 2w slow guys at the back just before they regrouped with the main pack at the top of a hill. Not bad on a laden bike. This group was cycling to the Butt of Lewis from Tarbert -/ we are taking 3 days for that distance..

We are in a B&B in the middle of Lewis, probably the only village not by the coast. Another cyclist is staying - much qicker than us - he has just left Harrow School after 302 years as an Art Teacher. This is the first September in his life that he doesa not have to be anywhere. He has not reached retirement age and is going to set up a studio and try and make his living as a artist. Interesting.

We had our first major mechanical  problem, the bearing in Pat's pedal seized. Taxi into Stornoway to get new pedalls - fixed.

We did 25 miles today. Bigger day tomorrow and forecast is for southerly winds.

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